Want the best way to earn money online? There are plenty of ways you’ll be lost for choice. However, you need to research before you decide which one works best for you. Just like there are many offline businesses, there are thousands of online business ideas to make money online. The best way to make money online is mostly determined by your passion, determination, creativity, and focus. Another thing to consider, and this is probably even more important, is the state of your mind — your mindset. No method, formula, education or technology defeats the human mind when it comes to making money. So, when it comes to making money online, you may want to explore what is already proven to work and then subject it to your mind to determine if your mind can cope. Making money online is not rocket science. Everything you need to make money is here on earth. The best ways to make money online are the ways that are already working. Felix Dennis, in his bestselling book, “How To Get Rich”, ta...